Monday, February 25, 2013

I didn't like Third Shift Amber Lager, but I didn't mind drinking it

An excerpt from this past Thursday's Beerman column:

At the BiLo on 38th Avenue North in Myrtle Beach, I spent $6.79 on a six-pack of Third Shift Amber Lager.

I saw the same display – and the same six-packs of 12-ounce bottles – at the Rite Aid at Kings Highway and 29th Avenue North in Myrtle Beach. The sign there said $11.99 for a six-pack.

These two radically different pricings render the underlying confusion about Third Shift Amber Lager. It’s supposed to be a working-man’s microbrew, but behind Band of Brewers Co. of Fort Worth, Texas, and Trenton, Ohio, is just the Coors Brewing Co.

And Third Shift Amber Lager is just not that good. The advertised “sweet maltiness” and “lightly toasted character” and “subtle hops” are like three cats with their tails tied together chasing three different mice. This beer doesn’t know what it wants to be.

Read more here:

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Get Lily the Great Imperial Stout today at The Pig

Until Feb. 18, New South Brewing's foray into high-gravity beer will only be available at the growler station at Piggly Wiggly in The Market Common, Myrtle Beach.

Read about it in the latest Beerman column.

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